So what is the Best for Last?
The Best For Last is a series of messages from Prophet Elvis Mbonye usually about three where he shares the real best, the best wine to crown the year. Recently, my spiritual father told me, it is how you finish that will determine how your beginning will be.
Most people are trying to look for how their 2024 will be but are not so much concerned about how they will finish their 2023. Most have hibernated into a zombie mode because apparently they were working all year.
Well, the people who really know what they want for 2024 are finishing their 2023 with such a bang and in the outmost praise as this is the year of praise. You can watch the full ministration below.
The reason why I decided to share Part 1 of Best For Last series titled, “DIRECT Yourself Towards Your Own Prayers!!!” on YouTube is because it will be an eye opener for so many of you. This is how he descibes the Best for Last as:
“The best for last is an anointing. He (Jesus) saved the best wine for last. If you will tap into it you will get the best of it.”
I want you to tap into this article and squeeze the BEST juice off it. He continues to say
“Is your heart prepared, do you know what you want? Are you definite about it? If it is better than something which is good then you are not set up well. It must be the BEST!”
The prophet advises that you shouldn’t settle for better. Most people just settle for a better car, a better job, a better income etc. Well, the Bible says:
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matthew 5:48 NKJV
Therefore because we are striving for God’s perfection, we should also strive for the BEST! Hence the series – BEST for last.
He continues to say, ” So many people are not decisive about what they want when they come before God. If you aim for nothing in your walk with God, that’s what you get. You need to be definite. The people that get much and accomplish much know what they want. They know exactly what they are pursuing. Know exactly what you want such that when it comes it will be unmistakably yours. The people who flow in the realm of the spirit have understood this.”
This pointed me to this scripture:
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
James 1:8 KJV
A lot of people are double minded, they do not know what they want exactly and are very unstable in making decisions.
He gave an example of the blind man in Luke 18. Most people would have assumed that the blind man desperately needed healing but the prophet said that Jesus took the blind man’s necessities for granted. He had to ask Him exactly what he wanted.
He warned that we should not assume that God knows what we need therefore He will automatically work on it. He affirmed that, “If you are not definite, if you are indecisive about what you actually want, then you tie God’s hands. You limit God.”
He quoted:
Yes, again and again they tempted God, And limited the Holy One of Israel.
Psalms 78:41 NKJV
I then loved what he affirmed next. He said, “If they had not limited the Holy One of Israel imagine what He could have done in their midst that’s why the scripture says, ‘Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think then he said according to the power of decisiveness that works in you.”
He said that we’ve Got to drive and steer the power of God where we want it to go. We are the ones in control. Our lives and our experiences are nearly as heavenly as we have decided for them to be.
He said that if you look through your life and you see how far or how close it is to the Heavenly, to the Divine it is according to how you have allowed it. How close. you have allowed yourself to be.
He continued to say that some people have more of God at work in their lives than others but it’s not up to God as to how much of God is at work in your life. It is up to you.
He said that when you get the above you should redefine you relationship with God and get serious with your walk with Him. You should realize that your walk with God is a greater business than anything in this world because when you have him you have everything and you’re above all things.
He went on to quote Zechariah 4:6 that says, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts” and posed the question, “Can imagine what kind of activities and possibilities would explode in our midst if we only took that other step, that next step from where we have been?”
He goes back to Luke 18 and says that Jesus didn’t didn’t presume that the blind man needed healing. He said that Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you today?”
He said that some people go through their lives and then they start now saying, “This one I don’t think can be done today, maybe I need to first go in some prayer mode.”
He said that Jesus is asking, “What do you want me to do for you today you know that?” He went on to say that that which you think is impossible can be cleared today.
He noted that so many people cry to the Lord just like the blind guy who was saying, “Jesus son of David have mercy on me.” He said also noted that in most prayer sessions, people stop at crying to the Lord.
He said that you can cry to the Lord but you are aimless. He said that the Lord is more definite about these things and we ought to be definite in our approach, in our dealings with God.
He noted that if we are going for prayer, a particular session, or time, or moment, we know why we are going there. We know what we want. He added that there are different types of prayers.
He noted that you should know what you want such that when you come from there you know if you have gotten it or not. And if you have not gotten it why.
He said that God wants us to be very definite about Him because that is how we learn spiritual things because we’ll begin to question how or why our results are not to to the level to which you want them to be.
In turn, we will notice moments where we have limited the Holy One of Israel and then we will know how to clear that up.
He noted to the congregations that when he is laying hands on them they should not be crying in pity as they will not receive that which is from God. He said that they should receive with joy as their issues are being solved in the name of the Lord.
He said that your posture towards the Lord really matters. He went on to say that if you’re face to face with the power God and all that consumes you is the misery that you have gone through then you not set rightly.
And now I really loved this next part. This is what he affirmed.
“This is the best for last you have to be prepared to receive today you have to anticipate and know what you are going to capture today what is yours today you get it and when you get it you’ve gotten it it is done! You can’t continue being overwhelmed by how long the enemy has oppressed you.”
Simple question, why do you think the prophet is emphasizing that this is the best for last?
So Prophet Elvis continued to read from Luke 18 where the blind man was rebuked but continued to cry the more. He told the congregants that some people try to be so professional with God and the spirit of God wants them to do something but they fear how people will perceive them.
He advised that when you come to the presence of God you should forget everyone exists. He said that one needs to be drunk with the Holy Spirit because in that state that’s when the leading of God and miracles happen.
He even went to joke that King David was a stripper why? Because he didn’t care about who was watching him nor his dignity. The wife, Michal, Saul’s daughter who was looking at the window told him that it was embarrasing. A curse came unto the daughter of Saul and she bore no children.
He said that when you come before the presence of God be overtaken, yield yourself until you’re no more. Until you’re no longer conscious of who you are surrounding. That is the only way God will reach out and actually touch you.
He said that there are many diplomats in the body of Christ. Diplomats to mean people who want decorum, people who want to be sound and sober in dealing with the Spirit of God.
He said that you when then you lose your mind for His sake, you find him
somewhere where the rest that are sound and sober cannot locate Him. He asked, “How else do you think we prophesy? Do you know you cannot prophesy in a sound mind?”
He affirmed that the realm of God is a realm where you have gone beyond yourself. Paul said if we are beside ourselves it is unto the Lord.
For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause.
2 Corinthians 5:13 KJV
He said that the greatest experiences he has ever had have come when he was totally drunk in the Holy Ghost. He affirmed that you cannot see anything in the spirit if you are sound and sober.
If you are too sober, you will start to reason. God will ask you, “What can I do for you today?” and because you are too sober you will stick to rent and food. The person who is drunk in the spirit will have lost it and ask for bigger and greater things.
The disciples were accused of being too drunk:
Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Acts 2:23 KJV
But Peter said that it was too early for the men to be drunk. Most people didn’t understand what it meant to be drunk in the Holy Ghost. He went on to say that the reason why most people care about what others say about them is because they are very sober. He said that when the Holy Ghost takes over them, they will not care who says what about them.
He affirmed that we should not let anyone or anything stand in your way. When they say you should stop sharing those prophetic things, go on and share them because at the end of the day, they (those people) do not matter.
The blind man replied and told Jesus exactly what he wanted. God will always bring you to a place where He wants you to be definite about Him.
The prophet asked an amazing question, “What do you want at this time of the year?”
The prophet said that you don’t get logical and rational about what you need. Something may have taken you years and months and days but today today is your day.
Paul said:
I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
1 Corinthians 9:26 KJV
He went on to say that you’ve got to be definite about what you want. He said that the people of substance in the spirit are definite about what they want, what they need, where they’re headed and what they are building.
They’re so definite such that when it shows up they know that’s it and when
something else shows up which is not it they will outrightly know that that’s not it.
God is so definite. If you ask for something, that’s what He wants for you. You limit Him when you do not know what you want. He will not want something for you.
He went on to quote this verse:
Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.
Zechariah 10:1 KJV
He explained it and said that God says that you ask of rain when there is rain. It is a time of blessing. He reminded the congregants that it is the year of praise. He told them to ask God for something that will spring praise from them.
Just because God has said it is a time of latter rain does not mean that you should presume that that latter rain is going to fall on you. You should ask for it.
This was so powerful for me. Early in the year, Prophet pronounced that this is the year of praise but most people forgot to ask God for what they want because they presumed that because it is the year of praise, praise will automatically fall on them.
He asked, “If it is the time for rain why should you ask for it?” He said that we should ask Him because He will not presume for us. He affirmed that that is how we get active in our walk with God.
This has been so evident with so many remnants this year. It is the end of the year and most of them asked me, “Was this really the year of praise?” Sadly, they presumed that since this was the year of praise, everything about them will be praiseworthy, they did not ask!”
Prophet said that we should know the seasons prophetically pursue some things because we know the season. He emphasized something again in which I have been very keen to follow:
He once again affirmed, “This is the time of the Best For Last, Hallelujah!”
Again I ask? Why does he have to affirm it? Just being curious here, was he giving us a second time to ask? To be a testament of the year of praise? Immediately, He went on to ask, “What do you want today?”
He quoted:
Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
Psalms 2:8 NIV
He said, “Now here is the God that His reach is dependent upon you taking the nations because he has given you the mandate to advance to the nations and take over the nation, therefore he wants the nations for you but then He says, ‘Ask me and then Kenya will be your territory, ask me and then Tanzania will be your territory, ask me and Uganda will be your territory, ask me that’s what He says.'”
He noted that when God gives us a territory is to His advantage. He said, ‘Ask Me’ because the state of your heart will be revealed. By asking, He will know that you are serious about and are going to take care of it because it will now be yours. He is not just handing over it.
The next words were very powerful for me since I am not only Kenyan but I want Kenya.
He said, “In other words when He gives you Kenya, things will change so dramatically that the forces of darkness and all the influences that try to
plunge the nation into negativity will lose their strength and power. You will get wealthier and they (Kenyans) will get wealthier all for His glory because He knows you are mature for it since you’re asking for it.”
Now, let me teach you something if you do not know it yet, “Prophets don’t just say things because they want to construct good sentences or just for the sake of it. They are not linguists.” When Prophet Elvis talks about the forces of darkness and negative forces in Kenya, he really means it.
In a recent ministration, I think barely three months before this one, he talked of dark and oppressive forces that wanted to gag the church because of the Shakahola saga. He openly told congregants to pray for Kenya because he had seen people wanting to come up with oppressive laws to hinder the freedom of worship.
And this is why it is time this country honored this prophet of God because of what he has done and is still doing for the nation of Kenya in the background. I would love to see a day when this country embraces this man. All we would see is prosperity.
He continues to say that the reason why God will never just give you things until you ask is because men will tell Him, “I didn’t ask for it, you gave it to me.” He gives an example of Adam saying that he slept and woke up married and when he ate of the fruit he said, “It is this woman you gave me.”
When you ask God something and He gives it to you, now your responsibilities are very clear on how to handle what you asked for. He can come back and ask you how are you handling what He gave you.
He continues to say that the Bible says that you should ask of Him and he will give you the heathens for you inheritance. He expounds it to say that as long as someone is not born again, they are up for the taking.
He said that there are dimensions that the children of God are yet to walk in. He affirmed that you cannot just tell God, “Give me the heathens.” No! You have to be very definite and tell Him, “I need this specific heathen.” You will then not know how God will orchestrate things and turn things around for you.
He said that life is spiritual and asks how much of it (life) are you turning spiritual. He told the congregants to stop saying give me the nations. He said that they should be specific on what nation they want. God needs us to be specific, to focus on what we ask and plan on it.
He said that the promises of God are Yes and Amen!
For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
2 Corinthians 1:20 KJV
He said that Lord never says no. He will not tell us to ask for the nations and then tell us no. He said that many times the Holy Ghost comes and highlights these things and shows us where we are and how we have limited the Holy One of Israel.
This is because we have been so general, we’ve been so presumptuous, we’ve not been direct with Him and we’ve been so obscure with what we really are after and with what we really are up to.
He went on to quote:
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2nd Corinthians 3:17 KJV
He said any sense of bondage or restriction around you, whether it is financial or healthwise shouldn’t be tolerated. It shouldn’t. You cannot want to be something or do something and then somehow somewhere there’s a restriction somewhere. When that happens you know that the spirit of liberty is yet to take you to another level of glory.
He noted that there are levels of liberty and glory. He said that he was once at a level of where we are and then the spirit of liberty got a hold of him and he moved from glory to glory. He said it is up to us to accept a certain level, a certain measure.
He urged that you should ask for something bigger than rent. He said that think that God can only pay your rent but can’t give you a house you’re in the wrong place. He reminded them that there in a place where things happen. Things that are beyond comprehension.
He then made a very powerful statement, “So this is how I gauge how I am flowing with God. When I reach somewhere and something begins to short circuit, when I find bondages, then I know that this part needs to adjust. It needs to adjust to the glory of God because then the arm of the flesh is
still at work.”
He went on to say that it’s a whole lifetime of increase and growing and stretching but you have to be willing and obedient in order to eat the good of their land. In other words in order to walk in that realm you’ve got
to be willing and obedient.
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
Isaiah 1:19KJV
He went on to quote:
And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
Matthew 9:35-36 KJV
He said that Jesus wanted to do something for them but he saw that the people were all over the place, they had no direction.
He continues to read the next verse:
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Matthew 9:37 KJV
He asked the congregants that if there was a time in their life where they had seen in the direction of their desires and saw that there was a lot that can be achieved if they had resources.
He then went on to read the next verse:
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
Matthew 9:38 KJV
He said that we should ask the Lord of the harvest and He will send whoever we need to bring our harvest out. He said that so many people get stuck with documents and proposal and that whatever they want to do, the hand of God is upon them and it is in line with what God wants to do for them but now the people to work with them, to labor with them and harvest with them in that field are unwilling or are not there. He said that the Lord says that we ask.
He continues to say that some people give up because things are not moving. This is because they want to carry in the load themselves but he reminds them that all they need are labourers in which the Lord says they ask for.
He finishes by proclaiming, “Whoever you need as laborers in the field that you have the Lord sends them to you in the name of Jesus!”
Truth be told, this is so far the most powerful article in this blog. This is because the words themselves are spirit. I have done this for people who internalize more through written content. Personally, I have learnt a lot. I would so much wish that the world gets to learn more through this powerful man of God. Why don’t you share this article far and wide? Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ProphetElvisMbonye
Listen to more ministrations by Prophet Elvis Mbonye through his YouTube Channel, his website and search Prophet Elvis Mbonye across social media channels and watch out for Best For Last #2.
// Comments //
I really needed this. Hallelujah. Glory to God
You are welcome sir. Keep tuned.