Don’t Just Watch Every Sermon, Feed From One Anointing

Dont Just Watch Every Sermon Feed From One Anointing

All through the Bible, and for a very great and noble reason, the Lord sets apart people. He has over and over again set men apart but the deceptive world has taught men that we are all one. The New World Order agenda of inclusivity, one religion and one goal tagged with taglines of “Together We Can” has brainwashed the elite of God into believing that they are doing God’s will.

But let me start with this:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

2nd Corinthians 6:14 KJV

The devil agenda is to make man find rest in the crowd. Thats why he will make man believe that all he needs in life is a good car, a mortgage, and a booming business. He will defile wealth to make man think that what he see is all there is. He will also create a system that makes man toil for those things. He will try as much to make men understand that they are all equal and they just need to toil more for a better life.

We are not all equal in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord has got favorites. It is sad that pastors use scriptures like, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” to standardize men. Please note that not all men are on the same level, there are men who are greater than others and this is why the Bible says,

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Luke 2:52 KJV

Men have different levels of wisdom and stature and whoever you honor and bow in reverence to you receive that which they have. I recently asked some people, “Who blessed Abraham? Who made him a father of many nations?” They also shouted, “God!”. I pressed the question further and asked, “Was man involved?” They answered with a big No.

Take a look at this.

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Genesis 14:18-20 NKJV

Now Melchidezek was the prince of peace as it was noted down in Hebrews;

For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated “king of righteousness,” and then also king of Salem, meaning “king of peace,” 

Hebrews 7:1-2 NKJV

You see, because the devil knows that you can partake of a man (what he is) through honor, reverence and giving, he rather amplifies wealth so that when you give all you want to receive is wealth. This explains why so many people hop from one man of God to another or approach God Himself only in search of wealth?

Abraham met Melchizedek just after he had gone to war with the King of Sodom to rescue his nephew Lot. Guess what, Abraham never fought another war in his life. Most people think that the only thing that Abraham received from Melchizedek was the blessing of riches. Abraham also partook what was the man himself (the anointing) and became peaceful thereafter.

Most Christians seek just wealth from the annointing.After they get the wealth, what happens is that they ultimately lose it or the wealth comes with a painful toil because they didn’t capture the stature of the anointing to sustain the wealth, they did not capture humility, strength, or love because they didn’t posture themselves for it.

The Lord wants to make a man. He is so much interested in growing a man’s stature into an unshakable movable force who depends in the Lord for everything. Most men on the other hand want to depend on the system of the devil and at the same time but depend on God. They want so much to serve both God and mammon.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Matthew 6:24-26 NKJV

In the same Spirit of the word above, the same is true for anointings. God draws men to different anointings. One has an anointing in teaching, another in healing, another in music etc. He orders the steps of His people and He will always guide me depending on how they honor their call.

Most children of God today listen to every man of God, they read any ‘Christian’ book they put their hands to ‘find God’ or console themselves. They try to patch up their insecurities with more content which may have a Godly title. For some reason they think that the spiritual life is based on research.

Most children of God think that they grow by studying multiple men of God and copying unique aspects of each. They think that to increase, they need to tune into every sermon and read every ‘Christian’ writing around. That has not only messed them up but it has also created more atheists.

There is a reason why the Levites were supposed to live a certain way. There is a reason why the Nazarites (e.g. The Samsons, The John The Baptists) lived a certain way. For example, they were to abstain from wine and other strong drinks and from cutting the hair from their heads. God set apart some people for His call and He knew why.

Let me bring it home. Let’s say you have a gift of wealth and your calling is in kingdom financing, the Lord will have already prepared a man of God with an anointing of wealth to guide you. You have got no reason whatsoever to do worldly research on how to make money. You cannot let’s say depend on a man of God for spiritual wealth and at the same time look up to Warren Buffet for tips on how to make money.

You cannot depend on that which is eternal and that which is carnal at the same time. You cannot lets say serve an anointing to guide you through wealth and another that is against wealth. You cannot serve a man who believes that God supplies every need and another who believes that money is from the devil with the fallacy of ‘prosperity gospel’.

This is the very same reason why children of God stagnate so much in life consoling themselves with scriptures of, “The timing of God” but they die poor. There is an order that God created for you and that’s why He says in Jeremiah 1:5 that he knew you before you were born.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

In the same book he goes on to say that knows the plans He thinks towards you.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord , thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

If God has a plan for you, why do you want to forge your own? You see, most children of God have left ministries that were God’s plan for them because a friend was fellowshipping in another ministry and got instant blessings.

Most people that have hopped through ministries have found themselves more confused than ever. Sometimes they have found the men of God they listen to having totally different interpretation about the and they are left to wonder which is which.

In the Bible, we see men of God having a sharp disagreement about a matter and they part ways. Do they still remain men of God? Yes. But one has a greater annointing than the other. Paul parted ways with Barnabas and we get to know who remained consistent thereafter. Can one serve both Paul and Barnabas?

It is sad that most children of God just seek God for money and quick fixes and not His Spirit. They forget that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty as stated in 2 Corinthians 3:17. And because they dilly dally through men of God, they get messed up and enter a panic. In their panic mode, they think they can grasp a little from every man of God.

When God called Samuel, where did Samuel run to? Two times, Eli thought the young boy was mad. There is a reason why God placed a Samuel under Eli and that’s why God’s voice was Eli’s voice. Teach yourself to honor your man of God until his voice becomes God’s voice to you. I know I have messed a lot of people here and some of them have thought, ‘He is advocating for the worship of man.’

But God has used men all through the Bible. He also had to come in as a man. Now imagine a whole God became man. This should make you stop saying things like, ‘I don’t need men, I only need God.’ Other people think that reading the Bible cover to cover is what will make them get closer to God and they rush to start with plans of reading the Bible in a year.

Most of them fall in the way and a whole lot of them get confused because they are just reading for the sake and to complete it. Do you realize that you can dwell one word for three months and it becomes life to you every single day? I do not discourage reading the Bible cover to cover, just do it with understanding.

The Lord says;

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

1 Peter 2:9 NKJV

He also says

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:13 (NKJV)

So how do you know the annointed of God? Well, most people don’t, it takes one annointed man to know another so always shut up. Never say anything regarding men of God. I wrote about this kindly read it here.

Ask yourself, regarding let’s say finances, your career, your family, sickness etc. Do you seek God? Do you seek God with all your heart? Some think that seeking the Lord means listening to all the sermons in the world until you find that one that touches you.

Seeking the Lord is the simplest thing on earth. You can seek the Lord in one sentence. You can tell Him, “Lord, I don’t know how to seek you (vulnerability), I really want you to help me find you (desire).” He says you will ask and He will answer you right?

Most have asked Lord this question and the Lord has constantly answered them but sadly they cannot perceive. The answer is in front of their eyes but they cannot perceive. God is answering most of you through this post but sadly religion has clogged your sight.

It is simple, if this post touches and moves you in a way you cannot explain or understand, ask yourself, “Where is this spirit coming from? From where does this man feed from? And if this is a snippet of where he is feeding from, how does the well look like? I want the well as well.” This is why I always say, join us for fellowship by checking the details at the bottom of this page.

There was and still is a reason why God will set men apart for His work and glory. He set apart Jacob, He set apart Moses because apparently Moses thought that redemption is through murder, He set apart John The Baptist by driving him into the wilderness etc. Why do you want to contaminate youself? Why do you want to be in the crowd?

Why do you want to be all over? Why do you want to be a commoner? Why do you want to know what every man of God carries? As for me, I said I will only follow one annointing, I follow Prophet Elvis Mbonye and his son Prophet Ronie Kabwama is my spiritual father, full stop. I only hear any other thing that my spiritual father instructs me to listen. We call that honor.

I don’t Google for topics that I don’t understand lest I get another revelation that will stumble me. I don’t ask other men of God (even if they flow in the same annointing) why? God called me to my spiritual father and I will serve him only.

Elisha never served any other man except Elijah. Of course there were so many other prophets at the time. Actually, others ridiculed him that his father was leaving but he knew better and was loyal. In every Samuel, there is an Eli and in every David, there is a Samue. We call that spiritual fatherhood, a topic I will write about one day.

So stop defiling yourself with men of God. What if your mother was trying different men out there and would tell your dad that he should do things like so and so? Or she got a tip from so and so on how to run a successful house? It is devastating that children of God want to instruct their spiritual fathers on how to run things.

The same children who are always critisizing and dishonoring would want the same men of God to cover their misfortunes, to increase them and come to their rescue when it is mission critical for them. You really cannot cheat the annointing, yes there may be some grace but you can’t really get the best out of it if you do not honor it.

There are actually men who correct their men of God by quoting someone who seems ‘experienced’ and ‘knowledgeable’. Please never do this. If you are not comfortable with a certain annointing, then just leave. You didn’t call the man, God did and he has the sole authority to correct whoever He calls. Remember,

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Romans 8:28-30 NKJV

Kindly note that all things will work together for the good of your man of God so long as he loves God. So long as he has the heart of God. The Lord will cover him and nurture him. He will grow him in leaps and bounds. Refrain from correcting men of God, that’s not your work, it is the Lord’s. It is the Lord who called them not you.

If for some reason you have outgrown the glory of that ministry, seek another one with a higher glory. Always remember, even in that small glory, you fed from it and God is still using that man of God for other people. Please don’t touch the annointed of God.

Most people after outgrowing their workplaces, they will write amazing resignation letters. They will say of how the workplace changed them even if it was a total lie. It is sad that when they outgrow their places of worship, they will first speak ill of the man of God forgetting that they fed at the place once upon a time.

If you have outgrown the ministry, leave with peace, pray that it grows as well. Don’t act the savior trying to ‘save’ others by attacking their man of God thinking that they are blinded. Be the change and they will be like, “Where do you fellowship from? I want this change.” Pray for them as well. It is the Lord that saves not you.

Come to fellowship and learn more about the revelation of Christ. The poster is just beneath this post.

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The Remnant’s mandate is to awaken the bride (the church) and draw men unto the dominion and knowledge of God through the revelation that comes from His word.

The Remnant also teaches at Limitless Worship Fellowship. Come fellowship with us every Friday as from 5:30PM at KICC Lenana Hall.

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