Everything Happens in The Invisible Realm
ALL life is spiritual, nobody just rises. There are no physical means of rising to the top, one either gets to the top divinely or through the demonic. Your boss,
ALL life is spiritual, nobody just rises. There are no physical means of rising to the top, one either gets to the top divinely or through the demonic. Your boss,
Most Children of God merely quote scriptures when they face difficult times. They have made their bibles, places of worship and men of God golden calves in their lives. They
Does God only speak in a swift small voice? Can the devil speak in a swift small voice as well?
Since you were born, you were restricted from becoming wild. You were restricted from exploring the world and getting to know the real you and the mind of God. You
I recently told someone that I don’t attend church on Sundays but I instead watch the Power of Prophecy by Prophet Elvis Mbonye on NTV Kenya as from 9-10am. Immediately,
Most people are told that they should use their brain and are in turn limited to the five senses. This makes them lean on their own understanding forgetting that there
Does Family really come first? Is it a phrase in the Bible? Why is Abram told to leave his family? Why does Elisha leave a rich functional family life? Why
Be vulnerable unto the Lord and make Him a friend. Moses and Elijah were vulnerable to Him despite being very powerful people. Do you think it is a coincidence that
You become what you behold. Most people have beheld phrases like, ‘Education is the key’ and ‘Hard work pays’. Is there something deeper than that? What is the real meaning
Children of God are oblivious of AI, plandemics, population control, the Antichrist and his plans They deem everything as conspiracy theory and they want to listen from ‘experts’!
The world is in chaos. Heathens have took dominion and they now think that we are overpopulated and children of God should give them way. Meanwhile, children of God are
Should you really be reading your bible and praying everyday? Is that what really God wants for you? And if you should, is there a way to do it?